Armenia Entangled: Connectivity and Cultural Encounters in Medieval Eurasia 9th - 14th Centuries (ArmEn)

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Connecting Diaspora(s) and Homeland(s) in the Middle Ages (IX-XV c.): Religion, Art, Technology between North Africa and East Asia.

Connecting Diaspora(s) and Homeland(s) in the Middle Ages (IX-XV c.): Religion, Art, Technology between North Africa and East Asia. HAI Mobility Conference will be held in Florence

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Members at the IMC Leeds 2024.

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Members at the IMC Leeds 2024. Wide presence of our project at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2024

Baths of Caracalla, Rome.

Baths of Caracalla, Rome. A visual conversation on Armenia and the Silk Road(s) with Prof. Pogossian and Nucciotti.

Armenia and Armenians in the Global Middle Ages.

Armenia and Armenians in the Global Middle Ages. An international workshop in Yerevan, Armenia, 13-14 June, 2024

SAGAS and Matenadaran.

SAGAS and Matenadaran. Armenian collegues visited our Department

ArmEn Team Member Interview to the Public Radio of Armenia.

ArmEn Team Member Interview to the Public Radio of Armenia. Dr. Hasmik Hovhannisyan on air!

A Seminar of ArmEn Team Member at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA.

A Seminar of ArmEn Team Member at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA. A lecture by Dr. Hasmik Hovhannisyan

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Workshop.

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Workshop. On 22 January 2024, team members from Europe and Armenia met in Florence to present their current research

St. Nerses Shnorhali on the UNESCO Calendar in 2023.

St. Nerses Shnorhali on the UNESCO Calendar in 2023. 

Exploring Emperor Heraclius and Armenia in Tel Aviv and Fribourg.

Exploring Emperor Heraclius and Armenia in Tel Aviv and Fribourg. 

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Team Members at 2nd National Conference in Armenian Studies.

ArmEn and HAI Mobility Team Members at 2nd National Conference in Armenian Studies. Irene Tinti and Sara Scarpellini presented their research at Naples Conference

Two Presentations on Armenian Translations from Greek in Washington and Pisa.

Two Presentations on Armenian Translations from Greek in Washington and Pisa. Irene Tinti discusses translated literature

Prof. Pogossian host at the podcast

Prof. Pogossian host at the podcast "Tales from the End of Times". ArmEn PI explores the Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition, sketching a fascinating picture of late antiquity Armenia

Armenian-Ethiopian connections.

Armenian-Ethiopian connections. Prof. Pogossian at École française de Rome

ArmEn team member at the ASPS Convention in Yerevan.

ArmEn team member at the ASPS Convention in Yerevan. 9th Biennial Convention of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (May 30-June 3, 2023)

Spring 2023: a Study Expedition to Dvin.

Spring 2023: a Study Expedition to Dvin. A brief report of the last archaeological mission, focused on pottery analyses

ArmEn on the move around Europe.

ArmEn on the move around Europe. Lectures by Barbara Roggema in Oxford, Paris, and Bonn

First International Conference of the ERC Project ArmEn.

First International Conference of the ERC Project ArmEn. Brief report and photogallery

The Second Armenian-Italian joint expedition to Dvin.

The Second Armenian-Italian joint expedition to Dvin. A brief report of the last archaeological mission.

The PI Pogossian’s Inaugural lecture for East of Byzantium.

The PI Pogossian’s Inaugural lecture for East of Byzantium. 15th  November, 2022

Coming soon: 1st International conference of the ERC Project ArmEn.

Coming soon: 1st International conference of the ERC Project ArmEn. Florence, 6th-7th december 2022

New Discoveries.

New Discoveries. An Interreligious Disputation in Armenian and its Original

ArmEn Team Members at the Convegno Armenistico Pisano.

ArmEn Team Members at the Convegno Armenistico Pisano. 3-4 November, 2022

Colors and Memory.

Colors and Memory. Portraits of Merchants in Armenian Illuminated Gospels

ArmEn researches at International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan.

ArmEn researches at International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan. Elisa Pruno presented an interesting paper on glazed pottery.

ArmEn team members at the Yerevan State University.

ArmEn team members at the Yerevan State University. Next summer, a series of lectures will be held

Armine Melkonyan at the second MARK16 online conference.

Armine Melkonyan at the second MARK16 online conference. An Armenian commentary on the Gospel of Mark as a source for studying the social relations and moral values in the Middle ages

A Presentation at the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (Dallas, Texas, USA).

A Presentation at the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (Dallas, Texas, USA). On 19 May 2022 ArmEn team member Armine Melkonyan presented a paper at the Text & Manuscript Conference hosted by the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) near Dallas, Texas (

ArmEn at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (Yerevan).

ArmEn at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (Yerevan). On 8th of October 2021, a round table and presentation of the project will be held at the prestigious Hall of the Presidium

ArmEn PI Pogossian presents the project at the XV General Conference of AIEA .

ArmEn PI Pogossian presents the project at the XV General Conference of AIEA . Tomorrow the XV General Conference of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes will takes place in Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

New collaboration with Matenadaran!

New collaboration with Matenadaran! SAGAS Department signed an agreement with this great Armenian Institution

University of Bochum welcomes ArmEn.

University of Bochum welcomes ArmEn. Ruhr Universitat Bochum (RUB) dedicated an article to ArmEn Project.

University of Florence welcomes ArmEn.

University of Florence welcomes ArmEn. UniFI magazine dedicated an article to ArmEn Project.

The news of ArmEN echoes in the United States.

The news of ArmEN echoes in the United States. The Armenian Mirror-Spectator talks about us!


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