Outcomes Publications
Welcome to the official ArmEn Project publication section! Within the framework of our international project, scholars from various scientific disciplines are involved, brought together to contribute their expertise.
Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of published works authored by members of our project. Explore the breadth and depth of our research efforts spanning multiple fields.
The Armenian-Italian Joint Expedition at Dvin. Report of 2021 Activities, by Petrosyan H., Nucciotti M., Pruno E., Squilloni L., Kirakosyan L., Vardanesova T., in Armeniaca: International Journal of Armenian Studies, 1 (2022), pp. 199-229
arm 798 (Matenadaran 313) f.128r, f.128v, f.129r, f.129v and f. 210b [Dataset], by Melkonyan A., Batovici D., in NAKALA 2022 (database)
Visions and Symbolism of the Cross in Some Early Armenian Texts, by Pogossian Z., in Revue des Études Arméniennes, 41 (2022), pp. 451-466
Mark 16:9–20 in Armenian Medieval Literature: A Commentary by Barseł Maškeworc'i, by Armine Melkonian, in Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 8(2), 2022, pp. 625–646
The Armenian-Italian Joint Expedition at Dvin. Report of 2022 Activities, by Petrosyan H., Nucciotti M., Pruno E., Squilloni L., Kirakosyan L., Vardanesova T., Cheli F., Hovhannisyan H., Abrahamyan H., Petřík J., Slavíček K., in Armeniaca: International Journal of Armenian Studies, 2 (2023), pp. 193-246
Princes, Queens, Bishops, Sultans: Seljuks in Syunik‘ and the Rise of the Monastery of Noravank‘, by Pogossian Z., in Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 89/1 (2023), pp. 207-250
Marco Polo in Armenia. Arte, cultura, religione e relazioni commerciali, by Pogossian Z., in I Mondi di Marco Polo. Il viaggio di un mercante veneziano del Duecento, 2024, pp. 84-96
From Tillable Fields to Men’s Equal Partners: The Treatment of Women in Early Muslim–Christian Polemic, by Roggema B. H., in Religions 2024, 15(5), 555
Medieval Yeghegis (Armenia): Local Multiplicities and Global Connections of a Rural Centre on the Silk Road, edited by Pogossian Z. and M. Nucciotti, Convivium Supplementum [in press]
Sylloge Nummorum Byzantinorum. Armenia. vol. IV. Byzantine Coins (1028-1059), by Hovhannisyan H. [in press]
Shared Saints and Festivals among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean, by Cuffel A., Jewish Engagements, Arc Humanities Press, 2024
À la porte des mondes. Histoire de l'Ibérie du Caucase (IIIe siècle a.C.-VIIe siècle p.C.), by Preud'homme N. J., Scripta Antiqua (n. 181), Ausonius Editions, 2024
The King's Mellifluous Tongue: Study, Social Bonding, and the Making of Middle Armenian as a Language of the Elite in Medieval Cilicia, by Pifer M., in Armeniaca: International Journal of Armenian Studies, 3 (2024), pp. 93-152
Back to the Roots: Notions from the Letter of Love and Concord and 13th-century Armeno-Syriac Interactions in Cilician Armenia, by Pogossian Z., in ΠΟΛΥΤΡΟΠΟΣ. Papers on Philosophy, Religion and Eastern Christianities in honour of István Perczel, eds Pogossian Z., Kraft A., Gigineishvili L.; Leuven: Peeters [forthcoming]
Visions of the Cross and the Discovery of the True Cross: Translation, Reception, Composition in Late Antique Armenia, by Pogossian Z., in Festschrift in honor of Erna-Manea Shirinian’s 70th anniversary, eds. Vahan Ter-Ghevondyan et al.; Yerevan: Matenadaran - Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, 2024 [in press]
Nerses Shnorhali and the Patrons of his Commentaries, by Melkonian A., in Festschrift in honor of Erna-Manea Shirinian’s 70th anniversary, eds. Vahan Ter-Ghevondyan et al.; Yerevan: Matenadaran - Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, 2024 [in press]
The Armenian Vision of St. Nersēs and its Latin Version: Text, Transmission History, Translation, by Pogossian Z., in Positionsbestimmungen. Festschrift für Felicitas Schmieder zum 60. Geburtstag (Nova Mediaevalia), Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht Publishers [in press]
Oral, Written, Living Traditions: The Armenian National Epic Sasna Tsṙ‘er/Sassounts‘i Davit‘ (Daredevils of Sassoun, David of Sassoun), by Pogossian Z. and Hambardzumyan H. [in press]
A Ps.-Ephremian Eschatological Sermo in Adventum in Armenian and its Greek Vorlage, by Pogossian Z., in The Reception of Ps.-Ephraem in the Eastern Christian Tradition [in press]