The first International Conference of the ERC Project ArmEn

The 1st international conference of the ERC Project Armen Trade, Archaeology and the Integration of the Lands between the Caucasus, Anatolia and Mesopotamia in the Afro-Eurasian World System: 9th -14th Centuries took place in the Oblate Library of Florence on December 6-7, 2022 (Program).

During the two days of the conference the speakers - early career researchers as well as senior scholars - found a most congenial environment for discussing various topics related to trade in historical Armenia and the wider area surrounding it, from the Caucasus mountains to Anatolia and Mesopotamia (CAM). The papers stretched from the history of cartography to economic history, from imagery on trade and merchants to the rise and fall of urban centers, from merchant letters as ‘news items’ to currency circulation, from local histories to global perspectives. The interdisciplinary approach was central for the conference and different aspects of medieval history were scrutinized from different points of view, including a study of texts, archival documents, chronicles in different languages (i.e. Armenian, Arabic, Italian), material sources such as buildings and monuments, coins, pottery, and manuscripts illuminations, giving rise to a prolific and productive dialogue between the participants (abstracts).

The conference was also a great occasion for the University of Florence students and the Florentine citizens to have a glimpse into the geographical area of CAM which is fundamental for understanding European and Italian medieval history. 

Zaroui Pogossian, introduction to ArmEn project

Michele Nucciotti, introduction to the conference

Rouben Galichian, Armenia in the Portulan Maps of Medieval Traders

Alexandra Cuffel, Trade and Travel/Migration and Imitation: Evidence from the Cairo Geniza for Economic Relations between Egypt, Armenia, Georgia

Lorenzo Pubblici, Trade in the Caucasus during the Mongol Period
Leonardo Squilloni, The Caravanserai of Selim in the Framework of Long-range connectivity in Medieval Armenia
Rachele Zanone, Images of Armenian Merchants in Medieval Manuscripts (9th-14th Centuries)
Tatjana Vardanesova, Early Cities of the Golden Horde on the Silk Road
Nik Matheu, Urbanization in the Afro-Eurasian Commercial Revolution, 950-1350:The Case of Ani
Sara Nur Yldiz, Yerznka/Erzincan under Mongol Rule as a Center of Regional Trade and Manufacturing
Hamlet Petrosyan, New Perceptions, Images and Artifacts. Armenia in the Entanglements of the Silk Road: 13-14th Centuries
Federico Alpi, “Its merchants were glorious and buyers were like kings of peoples”: Description and Destruction of the Trade Center of Artsn in the 11th Century
Mohammad Ouerfelli, 1291: the Fall of Acre and the Redeployment of Commercial Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean
Paolo Nanni, The Datini Archive on Trade in Asia Minor
Thomas Sinclaire, Coin Production and Trade in Asia Minor and Armenia: 12th-14th Centuries
Hasmik Hovannisyan, Coin Finds from Armenia as a Source for the Study of Economic History (late 10th - early 13th cc.)
Elisa Pruno, Glazed Pottery in the Contexts of CAM: an Entangled production
Jan Petrick, The Archaeometrical Results of the First Campaign Analysis of Dvin
Elisa Pruno, Zaroui Pogossian and Michele Nucciotti, Final discussion and lessons learnt

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